Kai Avondale x Foodtogether
Kai Avondale is excited to team up with Foodtogether to offer weekly boxes of fresh, in-season produce. We started the Avondale hub in May 2022.
There are 3 different size boxes for you to choose from that cost $20, $30 or $40.
Note: Pick up only
We’re hoping this partnership will provide affordable, good quality fruit and vegetables for local whānau, while offering a chance to connect with others in the community through volunteering or while collecting your box from our kai hub.
To place an order, head to foodtogether.co.nz and make sure you choose PICK UP from Avondale. Produce items are confirmed each week when you order at their website.
You can collect your box any time between 3-6pm on Thursdays at Haven (1855 Great North Road, behind the yellow Ol’Mate caravan). Orders close at 12pm on Tuesdays.
If you’re keen to volunteer with us, please get in touch!
Māra box (1-2 people)
This plastic-free order of fresh fruit and vegetables should feed 1-2 people for a week and includes 5-6 varieties.
Kai box (2-3 people)
This plastic-free order order of fresh fruit and vegetables should feed 2-3 people for a week and includes 8-12 varieties.
Whānau box (3-4 people)
The best deal in town! This plastic-free order is designed to feed 4 people for a week. The Whānau box has similar contents to our Kai box but in greater quantities, plus occasional extras.